Elementary Instrumental Music Program and Registration

Thank you for expressing your interest in the instrumental music program of the Caldwell - West Caldwell Public Schools.  Below you will find the steps to register for the instrumental music program. 

STEP 1. Online Registration - Please click on the link below and fill out the form. 

STEP 2.  Contract of Commitment 

  • Contract of Commitment will be available Sept. 2024

    • Bring your signed Contract of Commitment form to your first lesson.

STEP 3.  Rent an Instrument - Please review our Specifications for Instruments before renting

  • Online rentals of instrument are now available  by clicking on the following links to either

  • Please make sure you request to have the instrument delivered to your child's school. Hard copy rental forms are available through your school secretary. 

  • Important: Lesson Books are required materials for all instrumental music lessons. And for all students electing to play a violin, viola, cello, or double bass, order the instrument size recommended by the music teacher as indicated on the reverse side of the Online Information Registration Letter. This is the letter you are currently using to register for lessons.

Questions?  Contact your child's instrumental music teacher. 

Jefferson School Instrumental Music Staff

1. Mr. McCoy tmccoy@cwcboe.org- Orchestra Director and Violin

2. Mr. Cierniak 
jcierniak@cwcboe.org - Viola, Cello, and Bass

3. Mr. Chu
rchu@cwcboe.org  - Band Director, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion

Lincoln School Instrumental Music Staff

1. Mr. Chu rchu@cwcboe.org   - Band Director, Band Director, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion

2. Mr. McCoy tmccoy@cwcboe.org - Orchestra Director and Violin

3. Mr. Cierniak 
jcierniak@cwcboe.org - Viola, Cello, and Bass

Washington School Instrumental Music Staff

1. Mr. McCoy tmccoy@cwcboe.org - Orchestra Director and Violin

     Mr. Downey wdowney@cwcboe.org- Violin

2. Mr. Cierniak jcierniak@cwcboe.org- Viola, Cello, and Bass

3. Mr. Chu
rchu@cwcboe.org  - Band Director, Band Director, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion

Wilson School Instrumental Music Staff

1. Mr. Chu rchu@cwcboe.org  - Band Director, Band Director, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion

2. Mr. McCoy
tmccoy@cwcboe.org - Orchestra Director and Violin

3. Mr. Cierniak
jcierniak@cwcboe.org - Viola, Cello, and Bass